Services & Specialties

Coaching, Counseling & Psychotherapy

Dr. Vikki is available for coaching, counseling, and psychotherapy to assist with concerns about well-being. Integrating body, mind, and spirit, Dr. Vikki works with individuals, couples, and groups to help them move toward healing.

Retreats & Workshops

Dr. Vikki offers a range of retreats and workshops tailored to the needs of organizations or small groups. Dr. Vikki integrates psychological, spiritual, and physical well-being components in retreats or workshops.


Dr. Vikki offers consulting services to organizations that would like to enhance the health of their workplace by emphasizing self-care and healing practices that integrate psychological, spiritual, and physical well-being.

Health Professionals

Due to the many stressors involved with providing care for others, health professionals sometimes need support with maintaining their own well-being. Professionals who are tasked with caring for the mental and physical health of others can explore pathways to health and wholeness while serving others. 

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Clergy are often entrusted with the care of parishioners’ or congregants’ spiritual, physical, and psychological well-being. Sometimes clergy need support with self-care. Clergy can explore self-care and its impact on their work with those whom they are called to serve. 

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Performing Artists

Performing artists share their artistry with others to benefit humanity. Due to the emotional demands of being a performer, artists sometimes need support with exploring the range of emotions that affect their art and self-care mechanisms that influence the practice of their art.

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Let's Talk

The first step is talking. Let's find a time to meet to talk about what's on your mind.

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